
[K8S] 클러스터 버전 업그레이드

kyoulho 2024. 10. 16. 21:53

업그레이드 계획 수립

root@cp-k8s:~# kubeadm upgrade plan
[upgrade/config] Making sure the configuration is correct:
[preflight] Running pre-flight checks.
[upgrade/config] Reading configuration from the cluster...
[upgrade/config] FYI: You can look at this config file with 'kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml'
[upgrade] Running cluster health checks
[upgrade] Fetching available versions to upgrade to
[upgrade/versions] Cluster version: 1.30.4
[upgrade/versions] kubeadm version: v1.30.0
I0829 14:24:58.467683  477828 version.go:256] remote version is much newer: v1.31.0; falling back to: stable-1.30
[upgrade/versions] Target version: v1.30.4
[upgrade/versions] Latest version in the v1.30 series: v1.30.4

kubeadm 업그레이드

root@cp-k8s:~# kubeadm version

root@cp-k8s:~# apt-get install kubeadm=1.30.1-1.1 -y

root@cp-k8s:~# kubeadm upgrade apply 1.30.1

kubelet 업그레이드

root@cp-k8s:~# kubelet

root@cp-k8s:~# apt-get install kubelet=1.30.1-1.1 -y

root@cp-k8s:~# systemctl restart kubelet.service 

업그레이드 완료

root@cp-k8s:~# k get nodes
cp-k8s   Ready    control-plane   45h   v1.30.1
w1-k8s   Ready    <none>          45h   v1.30.0
w2-k8s   Ready    <none>          45h   v1.30.0
w3-k8s   Ready    <none>          45h   v1.30.0

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